A Silicone Coating Will Restore Your Commercial Roof

Many older substrate materials that roofs are constructed of are prone to water damage, if fasteners have come loose or if there are holes or cracks in roofing materials. If you have been concerned about needing to have your commercial roof torn off and reinstalled, learn how a silicone coating may salvage most of the existing roof and provide protection.

A Cost-Effective Solution

Reroofing projects can cost thousands of dollars and disrupt your daily business operations. If sitting water on the rooftop has caused materials to become loose or damaged, these materials will need to be removed and replaced. If the majority of the roofing materials are still intact, they can be cleaned and dried prior to having a silicone coating applied over them.

During an inspection of the rooftop, the materials that are unsalvageable will be identified. A roofing contractor will need to remove all of the damaged materials and clean the remaining materials that make up the roofing system. 

The Adhesion Testing Process And Other Prep Steps

A silicone coating will adhere to most substrates that contain a level surface. A built-up roof that contains layers of hot tar and gravel may need to be treated first. A roofing contractor will perform an adhesion test to determine if a silicone coating will cling to a rooftop.

If the roof's surface is bumpy and contains small rocks or gravel pieces, these materials will need to be removed from the roof's surface. A traditional ballast removal consists of shoveling gravel and rocks from a rooftop.

A dry vacuum method consists of using a heavy-duty vacuum to provide suction to the rooftop. The gravel and small rock fragments will be loosened and collected during this process. Upon removing the materials, the rooftop will be cleaned.

The Application Of Silicone

One uniform layer of silicone will protect the roofing materials. Even if it rains and water forms puddles on the surface of the roof, the silicone layer will prevent the water from breaking through the protective layer. The silicone coating that your contractor uses will likely be contained within a large bucket.

Prior to applying the coating, the silicone will be agitated. This process will thicken the silicone. A coating will be applied over gaps and in holes or small indentations that comprise the rooftop. After the patching is complete, a single layer of the silicone will be brushed or sprayed across the rooftop. Reach out to a company like Everest Systems for more information about silicone coatings. 
