Problems With The AC? Signs You Need To Replace The Abb EH Contactor

If your air conditioning system has malfunctioned and you can't find the cause, you might need to have the abb EH contactor replaced. The abb EH contactor runs the air conditioning system. Once it goes out, your air conditioner won't function properly. Luckily, there are ways to identify a broken contactor. Read the list provided below. If you're dealing with any of these situations, call a service provider right away. It's time to have the abb EH contactor replaced on your air conditioner. 

Your Contact has Visible Damage

If you think that the abb EH contactor has worn out, you'll want to do a brief inspection. If there are signs of damage, the contactor will need to be replaced. Some signs of damage include scorch marks, exposed wiring, and pitting. Pitting is a sign that the contactor has overheated. If that's happened, you'll need to have the contactor replaced right away. 

Your HVAC System Shorted Out

If your air conditioner shorts out on a regular basis, there's a good chance that the abb EH contactor has worn out. The contactor keeps your air conditioner running. When the contactor goes out, your air conditioner can't keep going. Unfortunately, the contactor will continue to short out until it can longer reboot. Once that happens, your air conditioner won't work at all. To keep the cool air coming, be sure to have the contactor replaced as soon as possible. 

You Can't Turn Off the AC

If you're like most people, you might think system failures prevent your air conditioner from turning on. Most of the time, that's the case. But, when the abb EH contactor goes out, your air conditioner won't turn off. If your air conditioner continues to run, turn off the thermostat. If your air conditioner keeps running, even after the thermostat's turned off, it's time to call for repairs. Failure to turn off is a sure sign that the contactor has gone out on your air conditioner. To avoid overheating, you'll need to replace the contactor before you can use your air conditioner again. 

You Hear Loud Buzzing

If your air conditioner has started buzzing, call a service provider right away. This is especially important if the buzzing happens when you try to start your air conditioner. Loud buzzing noises are more than a nuisance. They're a sign that the abb EH contactor has malfunctioned. If that's happened, you'll need to have it replaced immediately. 

For more information about replacement abb EH contactors, contact a local company. 
